Study Abstract: Symphony
Brochure: Symphony PDF, 1.38 MB
Factsheet: Freestyle Hands-free PDF, 2.05 MB
Factsheet: Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) PDF, 681 KB
Factsheet: Silicon Breastmilk Collector (SBMC) PDF, 2.19 MB
Factsheet: Organic Line Balm PDF, 1.03 MB
Thopaz+ NICE White Paper
Thopaz+ NICE White Paper Guideline
General information:
Infographic: Anatomy of the lactating breast
Infographic: What makes Breastmilk so amazing PDF, 503 KB
Infographic: What is the range of ‘normal’ when it comes to breastfeeding?
Initiation and Optimizing Milk production:
Infographic: Initiating milk production
Infographic: The benefits of INITIATION TECHNOLOGY for mothers and infants PDF, 227 KB
Infographic: Optimising milk removal
"White paper: Nurturing infant health drop by drop: Oral administration of colostrum"
Breast Shield Sizing:
Infographic: Breast Shield Choice PDF
Infographic: Choosing your Medela breast shield size PDF
Infographic: Milk flow and duct compression PDF, 113 KB
Breastfeeding and Lactation support:
Infographic: Is my Baby getting enough milk PDF, 97 KB
Infographic: Risk factors PDF, 659 KB
Infographic: Supporting mothers to effectively activate Milk production PDF, 157 KB
White Paper: Supporting mothers to effectively activate Milk production PDF, 489 KB
Pumping Log PDF, 289 KB
Infographic: Is donor human milk equivalent to own mother's milk?
Infographic: Breastfeeding support from hospital to home PDF, 1.02 MB
Brochure: The health and economic benefits of human milk for the preterm infant