Breastfeeding Tips
Time to read: 3 min.
If you're concerned about your milk supply or if your breast milk isn't coming in yet, here's some expert advice from a lactation consultant. See the video for more!
In this video, I’m going to talk about what to do if your milk is not coming in on time. Please see the link to our other video, which talks about those women who may have a greater chance of experiencing a delay in their milk coming in. But, in this video, we are going to focus on timely tips to help increase your milk supply.
The phrase "milk coming in" actually refers to a usually rapid increase in your milk volume.
Technically, you have been producing colostrum (the first milk) since you were around 20 weeks pregnant. But, the hormones of pregnancy stop your breasts from producing large volumes of milk until after birth. Once your baby and the placenta have been born, your body knows that you are now no longer pregnant and those pregnancy hormones rapidly decrease, allowing for the lactation hormones to take over.
When we describe your milk as "coming in", what is meant is the volume of milk has increased.
For most women, this is very easy to recognize; your breasts will feel much fuller, heavier, and maybe even a little warmer and sometimes tender. It’s very clear to see for many women!
If you have had a physiological vaginal and fairly straightforward birth, your milk usually comes in anywhere between 24 to 72 hours after birth.
What should you do if you notice your milk hasn’t come in by 72 hours after birth?
For some moms, there may be a delay in when the milk comes in. This is usually down to the type of birth you and your baby have had, if you have diabetes, if your baby needed to go to the neonatal intensive care unit, or if your baby was not feeding frequently in the first few days because they were either too sleepy or maybe affected by the medications given during labor. There are several reasons a delay could occur.
Some research has shown that women who experience a delay of more than 72 hours for their milk to come in are at an increased risk of low milk supply at 4 weeks after birth - especially if they are not supported early to get milk production back on track.
Be proactive! It is important to let your healthcare professional know if you notice or think your milk supply is delayed, so that they can give you some more advice and support specifically tailored to you and your breastfeeding experience. This then enables you to keep building a good milk supply in these early critical days, when your milk-making cells need to be activated the most. Things that your healthcare professional may advise or be looking for are:
For most new moms, the milk will come in on time. However, for those moms who are at greater risk of a delay, it is good to know when to seek early and appropriate help. Never be afraid of asking for help or questioning what is happening! Feeling well-informed helps us to feel in control and confident, and that is one of the most important things when we are starting out in our breastfeeding journey.
If your baby is breastfeeding with no problems and your milk supply is on track, then your healthcare provider will not need to give you any extra feeding plans. Instead, they will just give you support and ongoing encouragement.
For extra help, download an app like Medela Family to keep track of your little one's feedings and your pumping sessions through those early days and nights. You can also check out our other videos for more breastfeeding support and tips to help you during the first few days and weeks with your little one!
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